.tv domains

The extension .tv is the ccTLD extension for the islands of Tuvalu, however, it is used extensively due to it being also an abbreviation of the word "television". The extension is managed by Verisign and the Tuvalu government manages twenty percent of the extension. Check if your .tv domain is available and register it before anyone else.

IDN Domains

Whois Privacy

Transfer lock

Register your domain for only 31,95$/year
*If you already have a registered domain, you can transfer it to Webempresa.
Dominio .tv

.tv Domain registration information

Uso de caracteres

Use of characters in .tv domains

The .tv domain name admits a from 2 to 63 characters. Characters 'a' to 'z', the numbers '0' to '9', and the hyphen '-' are allowed. Please note that the hyphen '-' is not allowed at the beginning or end of the domain name. Additionally, two hyphens '-' in a row in the 3rd and 4th position are not allowed.
Duración del registro

Duration of .tv domain registration

Registration can be requested for 10 years.
Dominios IDN

IDN domains

They support IDN domains with multilingual characters such as “á,à,é,è,í,ï,ó,ò,ú,ü,ñ,ç,l·l,”
Requisitos especiales

Special requirements to buy .tv domains

There are no special residency or technical requirements.
Ocultación de datos Whois

Whois data hiding in .tv domains

.tv domains do allow the hiding of Whois data.
Bloqueo de transferencia

Transfer lock

.tv domains do have a transfer lock option.

.tv domain life cycle

Dominio disponible<br />

Available domain

In this first phase the domain is free and can be registered. Any user can apply for registration through an ICANN-accredited Registrar Agent and become the owner of the domain.


The domain name is registered and can be active for 10 years. This is the period of the first registration, but if the holder decides to renew it, he can keep the domain active for as long as he wishes.
Fecha de vencimiento<br />

Due date

When the expiration date of the domain arrives, if it is not renewed, the domain expires. At that time, all services related to the domain become inactive: the website, email accounts, etc.
Período de gracia<br />

Grace period

If the domain is not renewed upon arrival, its expiration date enters a grace period of 42 days. During this period, the domain remains inactive, but it can be renewed in the normal way at the provider that manages it.
Período de redención<br />

Redemption Period

If the grace period ends and you haven't renewed, you automatically stay on redemption. You have 30 days to recover it at a much higher price than the renewal price.
Período de eliminación<br />


When the redemption period ends, the domain goes into a deletion phase, in which the domain cannot be recovered and will be free in the following days.

.tv domain transfer

Inicio de la transferencia<br />

Start of transfer

.tv domains can be transferred as long as at least 60 days have passed since their registration, transfer or change of data of the holder. However, it is better to request the transfer of the domain at least 15 days before the expiration date in case something unforeseen arises.
Requisitos especiales para la transferencia<br />

Special requirements for transfer

In order to transfer a .tv domain you must be unlocked and provide your authcode or EPP code.
The price of the transfer is 31,95$
 dominio debe estar desbloqueado
.tv domains do have transfer blocking
Días de transferencia
The process usually takes between 6 and 10 days.
Las DNS no se modifican
The DNS are not modified during the process
Se añade un año de servicio al dominio al transferirlo
One year of service is added to the domain upon transfer

.tv domain renewal

Renovación de dominios
The renewal invoice is issued 30 days before the expiration date, although it can be done at any time from the client area. They cannot exceed 10 years of life from the current day.

What happens if the domain is not renewed before the expiration date?

If you don’t renew your domain before the expiration date arrives, it will be inoperative. When the domain expires, all the services related to it stop working: website, email accounts, etc.

Frequently asked questions about .tv domains

Para qué se utilizan

What are .tv domains used for?

Domains with a .tv extension are used for television and related websites, although they can be used for any type of website and use.

DNS update in .tv domains

The DNS modification is immediate, but it will need to propagate through the network. This propagation can take anywhere from 6-12 hours to complete, typically.o.
Actualización de DNS en dominios
Cambio de datos Whois en dominios

Change of Whois data in .tv domains

If the owner's data is changed, the domain cannot be transferred to another provider within 60 days of the change. You will be able to change the whois data of all the domain contacts (owner, administrative, technical, billing) from the client area easily. If you update the field of the name, surname, organization, identity document or email account in the data of the owner contact, a process of change of domain owner will automatically start, which must be accepted by both the current owner contact and by the new one to take effect. (New ICANN regulations 12/1/2016).
Is it advisable to use .tv domains with ñ?
We advise against adding a special symbol that is typical of the language (ñ, ç or an accent), since these are domains called IDN or Internationalized Domain Names. The reason is that they cause problems when managing email accounts, among other things. For example, known mail managers (Windows Mail, Gmail, Hotmail or Outlook) do not successfully send or receive messages for this type of domain. What you can do is register them to protect your brand and redirect them to the domain that you finally use for your website and your mail.
Are there .tv domains that are reserved or that cannot be registered?
Some TV domains are considered premium, and at Webempresa we do not manage them. Don't worry, if you try to register a premium domain, we'll notify you so you can register another domain name instead.
Can I assign my company data in Whois contacts to the .tvdomain?
Yes, you can assign both company and individual data to any whois contact in the .tv domain
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