Whois Domain Lookup

Use our Whois lookup to check the public data for any domains already registered.

Buscar Whois de dominios


The best place for your domains is in Webempresa

We strive every day to give you the best.
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Easy DNS change

Modify DNSs from our panel to point to the hosting you want

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Domain locking

Lock your domain to prevent anyone from transferring it without your permission

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Whois privacy

Hide Whois data so it won’t be seen publicly in search engines

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Top tools

Our team has designed tools for you to get the most out of your domain
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Whois data

Unlimited updating of your domain contact information

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Personalized control panel

Configure your domain easily with a control panel designed especially for you

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Free SSL certificate

Install an SSL certificate in your domain when you buy an annual hosting plan
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Domain experts

A team specialized in all areas of domains

Webempresa Guarantee

We are an official domain Registrar has accredited us as registrars of .es domains.

We have full control over domain management because we don’t rely on external providers or third parties.

We make all your operations and configurations with .es domains quick and easy for you 😉

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domains we guard


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websites at full capacity

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Our average response time is 30 minutes 😉

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You still don’t have your domain in Webempresa?

If you have websites and domains with another provider, and you were thinking of changing your hosting, why don’t you come with us? 🙂

A secret…with an annual hosting plan, the domain transfer is free. 😉

What is the status of my domain in the
Whois lookup?

As a domain is registered until it expires or becomes available again, it can pass through different stages or statuses. Domain statuses show the situation of domains at a given time. This means you can see whether everything is fine or there is some pending action that needs to be resolved.

You can see the exact status of your domain at the time in a Whois lookup in the Domain Status section. As some of them can be difficult to interpret or understand, we have put together a list of the statuses you may find and their explanations, so you can understand how your domain is doing 🙂

Unable to delete the domain in this status
The domain is locked. Any request to transfer it to another registrar will be rejected.
Any type of request relating to updating the domain will be rejected.
Domain not operative. It may have expired, or the holder’s contact email address has not been verified
Any renewal request is rejected due to a problem with the domain.
The domain is unlocked and the transfer process can be started
The domain is not active. You can contact your provider to find out why.
The domain registration command is being processed.
Deletion is pending due to failure to renew on time, and it cannot be restored. The domain will be released after a few days and it can then be registered by any user.
Domain renewal has been requested and is being processed.
The provider has made a request to the registry to restore the domain from redemption status. The registry will keep the domain in this status while the provider completes the necessary processes to enable its restoration. If the provider does not complete the restoration process within a certain time, the domain will return to redemptionPeriod status.
A domain is being transferred to a new provider. The transfer is usually in the last phase (unlock OK authcode correct)
A domain update has been applied and is currently being processed.
This is the normal domain status. It is unlocked and can be transferred.
It has not been renewed and the prior grace period has passed (42-45 days from its expiry date). It then enters a redemption period for another 30 days, during which it can only be restored by paying a higher price.
Locks the domain, preventing it from being updated. This is an uncommon status, because it appears due to legal disputes or certain cases in redemption status.
The domain cannot be transferred in this status. This is uncommon. It appears when there are legal disputes or cases at the client’s express request or when it is in redemption status.
The Registry does not allow the registrar to renew the domain. This may occur when legal disputes exist or it is pending deletion.
The domain cannot be deleted. This is an uncommon status usually enacted in legal disputes or when in the redemptionPeriod.
It is not possible to delete the domain. It is a rare state that usually appears in legal disputes or when it is in redemptionPeriod


Frequently asked questions about the Whois lookup

We solve all your doubts 😉
What is a Whois lookup?
A Whois lookup is a public online site where you can find the most relevant data on an already-registered domain name. This public database makes the official entity or organization that regulates the different extensions of domains available to domain users.
What is the purpose of the Whois for a domain?
It is used to get information about the domain you enter in the lookup. If you perform a search, you can see some public data. Other data may be private, because activating Whois data privacy is an option with some domain extensions.
In the case of generic domains (not from a country or territory, such as .com, .org, info…), you can see the data on the managing provider, important dates (registration, expiry and last update), status, DNS, etc.
What data does the Whois lookup display?
In the case of territorial domains (such as .es) you can only see the registration and expiry dates and DNS.

In the case of territorial domains (such as .es) you can only see the registration and expiry dates and DNS.

How do I update my Whois data?
To update your domain personal data, you need to access your provider’s management panel or contact their support service so they can help you. You should be able to find a specific section that lets you change your domain contact data 😉 In the case of .es domains, the holder contact data can only be changed through the official organization that regulates them, ESNIC.
How do I know when my domain expires?
Through the domain expiry date. When you register a domain you can buy it for one year or more (up to a maximum of 10). The domain expires on the last day of that period (if it hasn’t been renewed before that) and all the services are then no longer operational. There is a Registrar Registration Expiration Date section in the Whois lookup.
Where can I see the expiry date?
You can see the domain expiry date in the Whois lookup, in the Registrar Registration Expiration Date section. You can also see it as Expiration Date or Registry Expiry Date. The date you see in this section will be the last day of your domain registration period. If you don’t renew the domain before this expiry date, all the related services, such as website or email, will stop working.
Who is the domain holder?
The domain holder is the contact assigned in the provider where it is currently managed. The holder can be an individual or a legal entity (company). You can see who this is in the Whois lookup, provided they have Whois data privacy disabled.

How do I know where my domain is?

You need look at the Registrar section to see where your domain is located or in which provider it is currently managed. If you don’t recognize this registrar’s name, you may have bought the domain with a third-party provider
that works with a registrar. You may also see a section labeled Reseller.

What is Whois data privacy?
Whois privacy is a service that lets you hide the domain contact data in public Internet searches.

If you enable Whois data privacy for your domain, the holder, administrative, technical, and billing contact data will not be visible. The rest of the data will be visible in public domain data lookups.
This Whois data privacy service is free in Webempresa 😉

Why do I see private data I don’t recognize?
If the holder, administrative, technical or billing contact data contains data that looks wrong, you surely have Whois data privacy activated 😉 When privacy is enabled, the real data is replaced with fictitious data so you don’t see the real.

Which domains have Whois privacy?

Generic domains. That means domains with extensions not belonging to a territory or region. For example, .com, .org, .net, or .info domains. Country domains (belonging to a country or territory), such as .es or .eu, do not have the Whois data privacy service, but very little information is displayed in public domain lookups.

How do I hide my domain Whois data?
If your domain Whois lookup shows public information in your contacts’ data, you can turn on Whois privacy so it is no longer visible from Internet search engines. If you want to hide Whois data, you need to contact the provider where you registered or manage the domain and activate privacy in the corresponding control panel or through the provider’s support service. They may charge you an extra fee for the service, depending on the provider. With Webempresa it is free 😉