How can we help you
through the Free Support Forum?

At Webempresa we have opted for quality and for offering our clients and WordPress and Joomla users a differentiated service.

That’s why our WordPress- and Joomla-specialist technicians and collaborators offer a free technical support service to Webempresa’s clients.

Foro de Soporte Gratuito
Normas del foro

how it works

Forum rules

The forum has a series of guidelines explained below to maintain a high level of quality.

  • Do a search before you write in about a problem or query in case the same topic has already been answered in another message. There are over 60,000 answered posts, so chances are high that your problem has already been solved by someone else.
    That will save you time.
  • Provide the “exact” URL of your website, where we can see your specific problem.
  • Try to define the problem as best you can, with screenshots and/or specific links that point to the problem, so we can reproduce the incident or at least understand the context properly.
  • Tell us which version of WordPress or Joomla you use, as well as the version of the extension affected where there is one, so we can discount vulnerabilities or incompatibilities of old versions.
  • Include any additional information you consider important for us to take into account to help you solve the problem as soon as possible.
  • Open the query in the Forum category related to your problem. Technical specialists in that category will then attend to you and other users will find solutions to the same issue more quickly.

Grounds for receiving support in the forum

The chance to pose questions free on doubts and problems is offered for websites in our hosting,
for which their owners are required to have bought and to maintain active one of the following services.
Hosting Elástico

High performance hosting

Professional high performance hosting plans (6 GB) or higher: See Joomla! hosting plans, Elastic hosting. 


WordPress hosting

WordPress and Medium, Maxi, L and XL web hosting. All Divi hosting plans.
View WordPress Hosting Plans

Hosting Mautic

Mautic hosting

All Mautic hosting plans.
See Mautic hosting plans

Hosting Agencia

Agency hosting

All agency plans.
See agency hosting plans.

The forum is attended to by’s technicians or, failing that, by collaborators specialized in the subject matter and previously authorized by Webempresa.

If you are interested in being a Webempresa Contributor, contact us at:

The forum aims to facilitate our clients’ autonomy and self-management, as well as offering useful information to Joomla!, WordPress and PrestaShop communities, so all the messages added to it (both by users and by technicians) will be publicly accessible.

So far, 95% of the queries raised have been resolved. You need to bear in mind though that our technicians won’t be able to access your website or hosting account administration to perform the tasks directly for you.

Soporte especializado en foro
Soporte 24 horas, 365 días
The forum is attended 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Although there is no response time commitment for the forum, last year we had an average response time of 4 hours.
Soporte por escrito
Free support is provided only in writing and is limited to matters related to WordPress or Joomla and their free plugins, themes, or extensions. We don’t offer any free WordPress or Joomla support via chat or phone.
Tipo de soporte
Support for paid templates, themes, extensions, modules, and/or plugins is limited. We recommend you consult the provider who supplied you the tool. We don’t offer any support for illegally downloaded or pirated templates, plugins, or modules.
Cada post 1 tema
Each new post will deal with a single topic, in this way the response is expedited and we can also deal with that topic in depth and with the quality that corresponds in each case: step-by-step instructions, download links, generation of video tutorials, etc.
Cada post 1 tema
Un cliente solo puede tener un usuario dado de alta en el foro independientemente de la cantidad de productos que tenga contratado. Si no dispones de las credenciales de acceso, puedes solicitarlas a los técnicos desde tu área de cliente usando la opción Crear ticket.
Cada post 1 tema
We set a limit of 50 messages per user per month in the Webempresa support forum.
excluido el soporte técnico sobre programación y CSS
Technical support on programming and CSS is excluded. If you need support on these aspects, contact us at and we’ll explain the alternatives we offer for this.