What is a Web server and what is it for?

A web server is a software that is part of the server and its main mission is to return information (pages) when it receives requests from users.

In other words, it is the software that allows users who want to view a web page in their browser to do so.

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Operation of a web server

For the correct functioning of a web server we need a web client that makes an http or https request through a browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari and a server where the information is stored.

The process would be as follows:

After the first query by the user to a website, a connection is established between the DNS server and the computer making the query or request. This DNS server responds with the correct IP address of the web server where the requested content is hosted.

The next step would be to request the content from the web server using the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

Once the web server has received the request for the content requested by the web client, it should process the request until it finds the requested content within the corresponding domain.

It sends the requested content to the web client that requested it.

You have to keep in mind that there are differences between a web server and a web hosting.

Types of Web servers

Apache HTTP Server

The Apache HTTP server is a free and open source software, which for years has been the most used software for web servers, currently rivaling Nginx.

It also stands out for being multiplatform, being compatible with operating systems such as Linux, Window, IOS, Unix, etc.

Microsoft IIS Server

This type of web server is developed by Microsoft and, in case you need to integrate Microsoft tools, it would be a recommendable alternative due to the compatibility that we would obtain.

It runs under Windows thanks to IIS (Internet Information Services) technology and is compatible with pages programmed in ASP (Active Server Pages) or .NET, unlike the rest of the web servers compatible with Linux.

Nginx Server

As with Apache, this is an open source and multiplatform software compatible with Window, IOS, Linux, etc. It has a paid version in addition to the free one.

This type of web server is known for its good performance when it has to manage a high number of simultaneous visits, since users do not perceive any delay in loading the page even when concurrent access is occurring.

It is currently the most widely used web server software in the world.

Webempresa works on its servers with a combination of Nginx and Apache, taking advantage of the benefits of both to offer optimal loading performance even when a Web site receives a high volume of visits.

Sun Java System Web Server

This type of server is designed for programmers working with Java, Python or Ruby.

It is a web server created to support a heavy workload with very specific technologies such as Java.

If you do not have advanced knowledge in system administration it would not be a recommended option.


LiteSpeed was born as a replacement for Apache, to improve web server performance in high traffic environments.

It has a free and a paid version just like Nginx.

LiteSpeed can be used as a direct replacement for Apache, since it offers compatibility with .htaccess files and web applications designed for Apache.

At present, performance tests do not indicate an improvement over Nginx.

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